Tuesday 25 May 2010

Reality Branding

If Pepsi claimed that Pepsi max is Zero sugar and it actually contains some amount of sugar , i would be a millionaire right now.

HONESTY in general is important and its much more important when selling and advertising a product , but after all life is not perfect and people lie .
Every designer want their design to be the best or at least attractive somehow, and in order to that they ,designers have to focus on their product's positives and just ignore the negatives.
and that's what they call the Ugly Truth.
the designers job is to make things look nicer and that's their main goal.
off course their are some exceptions , like that they cant officially claim if something is not in their products and vise versa otherwise it well bring them bad reputation
and at the same time thats why in every product design there is a white lie that benefits the product somehow, and also for competing.

Another kind in reality branding , is attaching the product to someone famous to attract consumers attention and make them think its a great product or why would that famous person would use it . they might miss use it or lets say for a certain people who get attracted to these stuff easily but mostly it works : Example Ad Example 2
at the end in my opinion HONESTY is always the best solution and that would benefit the consumer for sure , but as a designer its smart to be aware of the strength and weaknesses their product has, and they have to try as much as possible to be honest and smart at the same time .

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